Abortion In Obamacare


Names of Insurance Carriers and Their Elective-Abortion Coverage:

  1. BridgeSpan Health Company (3): All plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents). 
  2. Kaiser Permanente (10): All plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents).
  3. Moda Health Plan, Inc. (22): All plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents). 
  4. PacificSource Health Plans (9): All plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents). 
  5. Providence Health Plan (11): No plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents)
  6. Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon (27): All plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents).  

Summary:  There are 82 individual plans offered by 6 insurance carriers for 2022 in Oregon. In 2021, there were 80 plans offered by insurance carriers in Oregon. Bridge Span Health Company is offering 3 plans, down from 9 in 2021. Moda Health Plan, Inc. is offering 4 new plans. PacificSource Health Plans is offering 1 new plan. Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon is offering 3 new plans. 5 insurance carriers cover elective abortion in all of their plans. One insurance carrier, Providence Health Plan, does not cover elective abortion in any plans. 

In 2022, 86.6% of individual and family plans cover elective abortion on the Oregon exchange; the same as 2021.

In 2021, 86% of individual and family plans cover elective abortion on the Oregon exchange; up 3% from 2020. 

In 2020, 83% of individual and family plans covered elective abortion on the Oregon exchange; up 1% from 2019. 

In 2018, 88% of individual and family plans on the Oregon exchange covered elective abortion.

In August 2017, Oregon enacted HB 3391, a law that forces all health benefit plans offered in the state to cover elective abortion with no cost-sharing (no co-pay or deductible). The law has one exemption for an insurer that “excluded coverage for abortion in all of its individual, small employer and large employer group plans during the 2017 plan year.” The only insurer that qualifies for this exemption is Providence, which continues to exclude abortion coverage from its 2022 plans. The law also has a narrow religious exemption: “An insurer may offer to a religious employer a health benefit plan that does not include coverage for contraceptives or abortion procedures that are contrary to the religious employer’s religious tenet.” The insurer may provide such a plan “only if the insurer notifies in writing all employees who may be enrolled in the health benefit plan of the contraceptives and procedures the employer refuses to cover for religious reasons.”

In 2017, 76% of plans covered elective abortion. In 2016, 81% of plans covered elective abortion, and in 2015, 94% of plans. 


Exchange is part of the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (F) or State-Run (S): State-based using Federal website

Website: www.healthcare.gov

State Exchange Elective Abortion Opt-Out: No

Number of 2022 Insurance Carriers: 6

  1. Total Number of Plans: 82
  2. Number of Plans that Cover Elective Abortion: 71
  3. Number of Plans that Do Not Cover Elective Abortion: 11
  4. Number of Plans with Unknown Coverage: 0


Red= Covers elective abortion

Orange= Some plans cover elective abortion/Unknown

Green= Does not cover elective abortion

*Bold denotes that this Insurance Carrier is new to the 2022 Marketplace 


General news regarding abortion coverage in Obamacare can be found here

KOIN: Eye on the Northwest – Open Enrollment For the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace – Part 2 (November 30, 2021)

KOIN: Enrollment opens for Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace (November 18, 2021)