Abortion In Obamacare


Names of Insurance Carriers and Their Elective-Abortion Coverage:

1. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (10): Nine plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents). The following plan, however, EXCLUDES elective abortion:

            a. Bronze HMO BlueCare Prime (2022 plan documents)

2. ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc. (14): Thirteen plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents). The following plan, however, EXCLUDES elective abortion:

     aPassage Bronze Alternative PCP POS (2022 plan documents)

3. *ConnectiCare Insurance Company, Inc. (6): All plans cover elective abortion (2022 plan documents). 

Summary: In 2022, there are 30 plans available on the Connecticut exchange and all of them cover elective abortion except one plan offered by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, and one plan offered by ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc. Anthem BCBS began offering a plan excluding abortion on demand in 2021, and ConnectiCare Benefits, Inc., began offering their plan excluding elective abortion in 2018.ConnectiCare Insurance Company Inc. is new to the exchange in 2022 and all of their plans cover elective abortion. 

In 2021, there were a total of 20 plans o the Connecticut exchange and 90% of them covered elective abortion. 

In 2020, there were a total of 17 Individual and Family plans offered by two insurance carriers on the Connecticut exchange. 

In 2019, there was 1 individual plan excluded elective abortion (Passage Bronze Alternative PCP POS). In 2018, there was 1 Individual plan on the exchange that excluded elective abortion (the same ConnectiCare plan above), and in 2017 there were 2 Individual exchange plans that excluded elective abortion (both were MSPs by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield). In 2016 there were 12 plans that excluded elective abortion. 


Exchange is part of the Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (F) or State-Run (S): S

Website: www.accesshealthct.com

State Exchange Elective Abortion Opt-Out: No

Number of 2022 Insurance Carriers: 2

Total Number of Plans: 20

Number of Plans that Cover Elective Abortion: 18

Number of Plans that Do Not Cover Elective Abortion: 2

Number of Plans with Unknown Coverage: 0


Red= covers elective abortion

Orange= some plans cover elective abortion/Unknown

Green= does not cover elective abortion

*Bold denotes that this Insurance Carrier is new to the 2022 Marketplace


General news regarding abortion coverage in Obamacare can be found here.